Supercharge your growth with
referral gasoline
Plug and play passwordless authentification that scales
Referral one-click system with nitro links
How it works
1. Integrate auth process
2. Invite users to refere friends
3. Users are rewarded for referrals
For Developers
From Developers
var nitro = require('nitro-links'); router.get('/', (req, res, next) => { // retrieve user var user = nitro.getUser(); // if user not present redirect to nitro if(user.isEmpty()) { res.redirect(nitro.loginUrl()); } });
1. Simple integration
2. Works out-of-the-box
3. No user transfer needed
We are different
No signup forms, we handle it in the back
No signup forms, we handle it in the back
Innovative in bringing you more users
Game changers
use nitro links
Start now for free
First 10k logins every month are free, create your own nitro account and start exploring